MAG Series HFFS Pouchers

The Bartelt MAG Series machines were designed to support today’s demands of Horizontal Form Fill Seal (HFFS) machines in terms of sanitation, sustainability, ergonomics, and efficiency. These versatile machines can accommodate a broad range of pouch sizes from convenience store pouches up to club sizes and offers multiple filling configurations, from Simplex to Quadplex, all on one machine.

Magnetic linear track systems are utilized within Bartelt’s MAG machines to provide flexible, efficient and precise motion control when handling your products. These systems utilize magnetically driven motors to transport objects along a predefined path.

MAG Series Configurations:

  • MAG-L (Linear) - In-line process flow layout
  • MAG-B (Back) - Reduced footprint option
  • MAG-R (Rotary) - Smallest footprint option
  • MAG-D (Dual-Output) - Maximum output option

The MAG-L is a state-of-the-art horizontal form-fill-seal pouching machine that integrates the latest magnetic linear technology. It stands out for its flexibility, reliability, rapid changeover times, and is capable of running up to 150 ppm.

The Bartelt MAG-B is a compact horizontal form, fill, and seal machine, engineered to deliver modern efficiency and reliability for evolving production needs. Built with a magnetic linear track system, the MAG-B excels at producing high-quality pouches from roll stock film or pre-made pouches, offering support for simplex and duplex configurations.

MAG-R: This rotary horizontal form, fill, and seal machine is capable of operating at speeds up to 150 ppm. Designed for flexibility and high-performance packaging solutions.

The Bartelt MAG-D is a high-speed magnetic track machine built for horizontal form, fill, and seal applications, achieving outputs of up to 300 pouches per minute. This dual-configuration machine offers maximum flexibility and performance, making it a perfect solution for manufacturers aiming to increase productivity and reduce downtime.